
At Apiti School, Students and Teachers continually reflect on and celebrate learning, progress and achievement. This is shared on our wikis throughout the years. This can also be shared with parents, family and friends. E-portfolios, along with regular contact and student led conferences, are valued ways of working together to optimise learning for all students; so all students are connected, confident life-long learners.

This reflection is used to plan teaching, set goals and maximise student achievement. Over the last months we have worked with many advisers and educators to develop individual student wikis as e-portfolios. These include passworded pages for each student which contain comprehensive, standardised assessment data showing achievements, goals and progress overtime.

We are very pleased with the format and are currently importing individual data from paper portfolios. I'm sure you will appreciate this takes time, as we are updating through google docs. We aim to have all information possible transferred by the end of this year. We are still waiting on some new numeracy record sheets, which are being developed by Massey. Examples supporting all learning are on the students' curriculum pages.

This year, as for the last 3 years, students, with teachers, are writing their reports which reflect their progress and achievements over the year. This empowers the learner, as they have a full understanding, take responsibility for, and own their learning. All this information is supported with examples of learning throughout the year. The report format remains the same as last year and will be linked to each student's passworded record keeping page. We are trialling this and appreciate your feedback. If you require a paper copy please feel free to contact Mary or Nicki.