Please note the change of date of this meeting.
Hi there
I have had too much time sitting in a car playing taxi and been thinking up crazy ideas.
I have come up an idea that I would love to share with other keen sports
parents/grandparents/passionate sport people within the Oroua country schools cluster region.
George and I are looking to start up a tennis club under the Oroua School banner as netball and
hockey have done, we are so lucky to have Damien Silk in the area getting qualified as a coach and
starting his own coaching business. I started looking into working through the paper work to form
a club when it dawned on me, do we do it all through the same club, that is form an Oroua Sports
Club that will service whatever sports the children are playing.
There are so many advantages of this,
- Increased chance of successful funding applications by legally/applying as a not for profit
charity – there is funding available for uniforms, equipment, coaching, and more you just
need to know how. As a school it is very difficult to get funding for out of school activities
this is an easy way to up grade equipment like a tennis net in Kimbolton, uniforms for
teams, travel to events etc
- Being able to have one committee means we aren’t stretched for people on individual
committees trying to essentially achieve the same thing, get kids involved in sport locally
and making it affordable
- Take the stress of getting enough players to form teams . . . . . . .
The individual sports would still require a key person or two to run their sport that wouldn’t
change (ie Netball – Loren and Kathryn would keep their roles and Steph in hockey).
Over the last month I have contacted Charlie Duncan the Hunterville Sports Club chairman to ask
questions and get some advice. He was great, so great that he has shared a lot of the hard ground
work needed to get a not- for-profit club started. I then spoke at the Oroua Principles meeting recently to explain and sell the idea to them, for this to work we need the school’s on board. They all
are supportive so, yay!!!
So, the next step would be to hold a meeting with the Oroua Cluster parents/community to talk about
it, answer questions and decide if we would like to see this club formed. I have pencilled in Tuesday
the 26th of March at 7pm, at Waituna West School.
If before then you have any questions just make contact and I will be happy to chat.
- Kind regards, Lis Giesen (0275393640)