
Āpiti School Newsletter 15.10.2018

Welcome to week 1 of term 4, 2018. Nice to see everyone back here ready for an exciting term 4.
Term 4 Dates : 15th Oct - 19th Dec.
The school is looking great thanks to our cleaner Christine Lowe and our caretaker David Stewart. We look forward to showcasing our school on 25th October which is Lamb and Calf Day. We hope you all have this date marked on your calendars.
Also a big thank you to Ruth Brocket who has updated our library and put it online in the holidays. Students all have a user barcode and books will be issued through the system only. We have an extensive library and encourage everyone to use it. We welcome pre-schoolers to also come and get a barcode and use our library.
We have student librarians as well as Ruth who is here daily, and Pat who can issue and return books. Please put any return books in the container provided and if you find any library books at home please return them for Ruth to process. We want our library to be the centre of our school and look forward to working with the Community Creators who are responsible for this area of the school under the leadership of Lucas.

We have had to farewell Johnny who is off to Huntley School. We wish him well for his time spent at Huntley and for his future schooling. Thank you to all those who attended the shared lunch for Johnny at the end of term 3.

Dates for your calendar

15th Oct : Start of Term 4 at 9.00am.
16th Oct : Circle time with Jennifer Gerrie RTLB in senior room Mondays although this week it is Tues
16th Oct : Rowena from Horizons is working with the school to update our Enviro plan - everyone welcome.
17th Oct : Ken Thompson to come to school for Whanau enterprise planning - Healthy Muffins .
25th Oct : Lamb and Calf Day.
26th Oct : Swimming lessons start.
29th Oct : Board of Trustee Meeting at 7.00pm. All welcome.
2nd, 9th, 23rd, 30th Nov : Swimming lessons.
16th Nov : Oroua Schools Athletics at Timona Park. pp date 23rd

Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community
news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.  
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz

Celebrating success
In the last month these students worked well online learning :-
Sumdog: Seniors: Luke 517 questions answered at 63%. Aimee 267 questions answered at 95%. Danielle 243 questions answered at 80%. Savannah 241 questions answered at 81%. Juniors: Bentley 883 questions answered at 85%. Kadin 620 questions answered at 90%. Emily 435 questions answered at 77%.
Reading Eggs: Lessons completed: Conner 8, Danielle 7, Aimee 5, Bentley 4, Claire 4. Quiz's completed; Katie 37, Renee 16, Josie 13, Abbey 12, Sarah 8, Summer 8. Comprehension tasks completed: Renee 7, Katie 6, Abbey 6.
Stepsweb: Juniors: Emily 9 Gold, 4 Silver and 90% overall. Claire 7 Gold, 5 Silver and 90% overall. Seniors: Danielle 4 Gold, 4 Silver and 89% overall.
Reading: Kealee and Owen are now on to Light Blue 1! Kadin now on Green 3!

LAMB and CALF DAY - Thursday 25th October - This is the link to Lamb and Calf Day on the Weebly.
or click on this link http://bit.ly/2naU7ly
Lamb and Calf Day provides a great opportunity for our school to showcase student learning and celebrate success. This open day is a meaningful opportunity to present work from many areas of the curriculum, in a variety of formats.
This day consists of three parts : Indoor section in the morning, Outdoor section in the afternoon and Whanau Group section.  

Students arrive at school, at the normal time, with required items for the indoor exhibits to be completed independently in the morning.

9.00   - 10.15 : Students complete Learning Tasks (Junior/Intermediate/Senior)
10.30 - 11.00 : Morning Tea.
11.00 - 12.00 : Judging of Indoor Individual Exhibits  
                     : Students complete Whanau Group Learning Tasks.
12.00 - 1.00   : Shared Lunch for Judges, families and visitors, organised by ASSA. (Parents please provide food for a shared lunch)
Whanau Group Enterprises.  
Calves / Lambs to arrive before 12.45.
1.00   : Judging of Lambs commences (Junior/Intermediate/Senior/Pre-school)
            Judging of Calves commences (Senior/Junior)

The indoor exhibits will be open for viewing after indoor judging is completed.
The Whanau Projects can be viewed at any time through-out the day.
This will be followed by Prize-giving and afternoon Tea.
We welcome families, friends, neighbours and all community members to our school for this day from 12 noon. The day will run wet or fine.  
  1. Inside Exhibits Inside exhibits which have been completed at school before Lamb and Calf Day are :-
1.  Make a book - Narrative writing - A Maori Story

2. Maths Board game 

3.  Bees wax wrap

4. Pottery  - A candle holder  

5. Candle  
Still to do this term ......

6. Expressive Art - crayon and dye  “ A inspired Art piece ” Whakairo

Use art techniques to create an original piece
The artwork will  
  • Be inspired by Maori Art eg koru, weaving, carving, paua
  • Show use of pattern, colour and colour mixing
  • Demonstrate awareness of shape, angle and form
  • Have good composition balanced layout
  • Show use of decorative techniques
  • A3 finished piece Mounted on to A2
7. Digital Photo - Animal suitable for Vet Club Calendar competition.   

This is not a compulsory section, but the points for it will be added to overall points for the cups.

Your digital photograph will:

Be original (taken by the student)

  • Artistically show the characteristics of the animal 
  • Can use effects eg sepia, black and white negative
  • Have good composition (Thirds rule; foreground; background; balance and order)
  • Show one or more of the elements (animal, line, colour, light)
  • Demonstrate awareness of /or macro
  • Be published on A3
B .  Whanau Group Judge - Rowena from Horizons
Healthy Muffins Enterprise each group will design, cook and market healthy muffins. This will be planned on Wed 17th October and cooked on International Chef’s Day 23rd Oct we are honoured to host Ken Thompson and another chef who will work with the groups to plan, cook and market their muffins. Students will be involved in planning, cooking, advertising packaging and selling their healthy muffins. Cost of ingredients, healthy options is part of overall judging.

C . Inside Exhibits on the day
The tasks below are decided and planned by students prior to Lamb and Calf Day
Inside exhibits to be completed on the morning of Lamb and Calf Day.
All materials should be brought to school on the morning of Lamb and Calf Day.  
Miniature Scene
The best Miniature Scene will:
  • Be in a container such as a meat,  roasting or slice tray
  • Use a range of materials as part of the display
  • A natural scene only using natural products , no plastic , metal, food toys etc  
  • Show effective use of the space
  • Have a title
Decorated gumboot
The best decorated gumboot will:
  • The gumboot is the base 
  • The gumboot is decorated or displayed in an interesting way
  • Can use / add to make the gumboot aesthetically pleasing e.g. use of height, shape, colour 
  • Child or adult gumboot
  • If painting this can be done at home
Decorated T-shirt - The T-shirt can be bought to school any time from now on, it may be of any size
The best decorated T-shirt will -
  • School supplied fabric markers:- puffy, neon, glow in the dark, slinky, with added glitter or crystals and black markers.
  •  Bring a T shirt to decorate with a theme or message.
  • Bring a coat hanger to hang this up
  • Add from school fabric markers and other materials
  • Use recycled materials in an original and interesting way
Whanau Group …
  • Enterprise 
  • Action Project Area Plan 
  • Whanau blog
  • Foyer Display 
  • Vege box garden and herb tyre
Your Lamb / Calf
We would like to encourage all students to participate on this day by bringing along their lamb or calf.
Caring for living things is part of the NZ science curriculum and Key Competencies e.g. managing self
and participating and contributing.
We understand that there are occasions when a student may not be able to bring a lamb or calf.  To
enable everyone to participate, we can source lambs if needed let us know, we encourage the
sharing/offers of a borrowed lamb.  Judges will be made aware should this occur.
Lambs are judged on Leading, Calling, and Rearing.  Calves are judged on Leading, Walking without
a lead and Care and Attention.
Pre-school children are welcome to bring their lamb – their section will be after the school lambs.
They are also welcome to join us for the fun events. Pre-schoolers will receive a participation certificate.
Fun events will be held while points are being added up, for ‘best dressed lamb and calf’ and a ‘drinking
competition’ if you would like to bring 200mls for your lamb and 2 litres for your calf.
Please do not wash your lamb, just give it a light brush regularly.  You may wash your calf, but make
sure you do this on a warm day, rinse all soap out of its coat and rub it dry with a towel.  
Practice leading your pet every day so that it becomes used to walking beside you. Regularly
check that its collar isn't too tight and don't forget to take it off when your pet gets bigger.
If you would like more help and advice, please click on www.anexa.co.nz as a useful site for raising a
lamb and / or calf.
Please email the school as soon as possible indicating who is bringing a lamb or a calf and the
name of the animal.

Cups / Trophies
Could all of last year’s cup winners return your cups to school, all polished up, the first week of term 4
please. Engraving will be paid for by the school.

Shared Lunch / Afternoon Tea
ASSA organises the shared lunch for the day which may include meat, salad or vege dishes e.g quiche,
bacon and egg pies / sausage rolls etc.  We would like to invite all families, community members and
friends to join the judges for a shared lunch at 12.00, before the lamb and calf section starts.  Could all
school families also please bring along a plate for afternoon tea. We appreciate all families helping on
the day with planning, providing and cleaning up.

We are running a grocery raffle on the day, so could each family please provide about 3 non-perishable
items to contribute to this raffle.  These items can be dropped into the school office anytime as soon as
Term 4 starts please - thank you! Thank you to those parents who have already dropped items off for
this raffle. Tickets will be available through-out the day.
We look forward to seeing you all here on the day.
Swimming Lessons - Start - Friday 26th October!
We have swimming lessons booked in at the Feilding Makino Aquatic Centre in Feilding for 2 lessons per day on the following dates : Friday 26th October, Friday 2nd November, Friday 9th November, Friday 23rd November and Friday 30th November. Please mark these dates on your calendar. Swimming lessons are from 12.30 - 1.00 and then from 1.30 - 2.00pm. We will need to leave school at 11.00a.m. Students will attend school in the morning of these days. We would really appreciate it if you could email or ring Christine to let her know the dates you are able to help with transport as soon as possible please. We understand the commitment and appreciate everyone doing their bit to make this a success.
Students will need to take a good packed lunch, a drink, their togs and 2 towels.
The difference between a student's swimming ability from the first to final lesson each year, their confidence in the water and our improved placings at the Oroua Swimming Sports over the years, demonstrates the value of our annual swimming programme. It is a great time to focus on swimming as we head into the holidays ... a time when many students spend a lot of time in the water and around local rivers.
At the recent Board meeting, it was decided these lessons will be generously paid for by our Board of Trustees, thanks to the fundraising efforts by ASSA parents.

Bon Apiti
Healthy lunches will continue this term every Wednesday, cooked every week by Phinece, Sarah and Summer but with a different leader. This week they are cooking small bacon and egg pies and smoothies. These will be at a cost of $2.00 per item. There will be no healthy lunches next week (24th) but the following week will be Beef Schnitzel and rice and smoothies.

2018 Oroua Schools Consultation
Please find attached, an Oroua Schools Consultation form that we would appreciate you taking the time to fill out.

Thank You
A big thank you to Mrs Mary Burton who recently dropped off the schools used cartridge toners to Ricoh NZ in Palmerston North for recycling.

Junior Room Holiday Stories
In the holidays, I went to Nana's house. Me and Renee went to the bike park, it was fun. Nana fell off the bike. - By Emily.
In the holidays, me and Edith went to Grandmas, it was fun. We went shopping. - By Owen.
In the holidays, I went to my Dad's and I played PS3 and I played a car game. I fed my calf. My calf pulled on the bottle and it pulled me. I like my calf. - By Rydah.
In the holidays, my friend Caitlyn came. We played on the trampoline. I sprained my ankle. We played with our lambs. My lambs name is Crystal. She is so much fun. - By Claire.
In the holidays, I went to rugby in Masterton. It was the last game for Huntah's team. They lost. I got a swimming pool. Its up to my tummy. - By Kealee.
In the holidays, I went to see Grandpop. He is in the hospital. He got bitten at the airport and we got to see him. - By Autumn.
In the holidays, the red car ran out of petrol. - By Connor.
I went to a shop, we got a donut to eat. It was chocolate. - By Saxon.
In the holidays, Mum drove me to the Christmas market. I got a bug and an alien. I got McDonalds. I got a cheese burger. The alien looked funny. I got a mouse, the mouse came in a little box, the mouse was little too. The mouse is a pet. - By Bentley.
In the holidays, I went to the shop. I got a dinosaur fingerling. - By Jake.
I went swimming and I got a pizza. We went to the park. Lucas and I and Adin played on the swing. We saw a bird. Then we went back home and then we played on the XBox 360. - By Kadin.

Regards, Mary, Darren, Mary B, Linda, Pat, Ruth and Christine.

ASSA - Lamb and Calf Day
Just a reminder if all school families could please supply either a meat dish, a salad dish, potato dish, or an egg dish e.g quiche, bacon and egg pies / sausage rolls for the shared lunch on Lamb and Calf Day. Could all dishes please be at school well before 12 noon on the day. There will also be a free sausage sizzle for lunch. Please also make yourself available to help out in the staff room to heat, serve and / or clean up the lunch dishes. Thank you for your support on this day. Please ring Nicole if you need more information.
- Nicole (ASSA chairperson).