Welcome to Week 1 of Term 3, 2017. We hope you all managed to keep yourselves safe and warm through the big snow event.
2017 Term Dates : Term 3 : 24th July - 29th September. Term 4: 16th October - 20th December.
Our focus for 2017 … is Mahi tahi - everyone working together collaboratively.
This term is participating successfully with others. As part of this we are working on a Enviro Schools plan.
Calendar of Events
24th July : Term 3 begins
24th July : Virtual Learning Programming begins for Fisher and Johnny 10 - 10.30 every Monday.
31st July : BOT meeting 7pm at school (all welcome).
1st August : Enviro Schools Day with Rowena.
3rd August : Junior room students and Genny “Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Patridge Show” at Fldg Civic Centre.
Makino Aquatic centre for lunch and swim. Transport needed to and from Feilding please.
17th August : Apiti School Speech competition.
24th August : Oroua Speech Competition - all seniors to attend. Transport needed please.
29th August : Zero Waste.
30th August : Ski trip to Turoa, pp 31st or 6th Sept. Check link for further info http://bit.ly/2uMC9ei
14-15th Sept : Life Education.
29th Sept : Term 3 ends.
16th Oct : Term 4 Starts.
19th Oct : Lamb and Calf Day.
20th Oct : Swimming lessons begin at Makino Aquatic Centre for whole school.
Technicraft for Yr 7 & 8 students was only held during Terms 1 and 2. The school bus will now run again at the same time in the mornings every day during the week.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. Please visit our google calendar for the most up to date info, which is on the right hand side of our blogspot.
The school also keeps you updated with all community news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.
To the NZ Pony club team and Louise - they WON! and more importantly we had a tight race for first and second with the Auzzie’s - so nothing better than beating them! We had a great competition with Hong Kong, USA and Canada as well.
Mathletics : Top students in the last 4 weeks : Congratulations to Kealee 6,100, Tyler 1,150, Aimee 400 and Owen 100.
Sumdog Maths : Top Students in the last 4 weeks with correct answers are Kealee 480, Boston 260, Meiah 142, Abbey 141, Owen 90, Saxon 64, Summer 63, Sarah 49 and Bentley P 48.
Sumdog Reading : Top students in the last 4 weeks Katie 156 and Renee 139.
Holiday Stories : In the holidays I went in a helicopter to look over the water falls and I liked it. - Kealee.
In the holidays, snow came down and we had no power. - Owen.
Ki O Rahi Tournament
Thanks to those who took transport to and from Kimbolton especially Pat our friendly bus driver.
Thanks to those who came to our final assembly where everyone shared some of their learning. Reflections and more can be seen on the students wikis. Congratulations to all the students. It was great to see the variety of experiences our students have had and we’d like to thank all the teachers who have made this possible.
Savannah and Aimee dance.
Meiah shared her learning
Genny with her i pad.
Mrs Y and Mrs Walker for the geometry string pictures.
Mrs Loveridge for her teaching of music, singing, ukulele and guitar. This term Mrs Howie will continue teaching music.
Enviro Up-cycled Woodwork -
We are soon starting our constructions as set out on our Lamb and calf day schedule. We welcome help from parents or community helpers. Please ring Mary if you can help. We have got some tools and nails at school but students can bring named tools from home but these remain the responsibility of the student.
3. Usable items using upcycled wood.
Use materials in an interesting way
Your construction will:
- Include a planter which is planted up.
- Have a theme and a use.
- Be creative.
- All products are to be upcycled.
- Reuse all products eg potato boxes, pallets and fence posts.
Board of Trustee
The next meeting is next Monday the 31st of July at school, starting at 7.00pm.
We are reviewing the Apiti School Curriculum and welcome feedback. Please click on this link http://bit.ly/2smutOF
Lamb and Calf Day
As Lamb and Calf Day is in the first week of Term 4 we are working towards it this term, we are giving everyone plenty of notice for the events planned. The Year 8’s have planned this with staff. It is available on the Apiti Weebly. Click on Links and the green Lamb and Calf Day link or click here for the most updated version, as this will change as the indoor exhibits are confirmed. http://bit.ly/1LDJkTp
Bon Apiti - Fisher and Tyler
Bon Apiti will continue this term every Thursday. The Bon Apiti lunch will be Shepherds pie and smoothies. If anyone can help with mince, carrots, berries / bananas, yogurt or any other ingredients this would be very much appreciated and those students will get a free serve. The cost will be $3.00 for a large portion, $2.00 for a small portion. Smoothies will be $2.00. Please send money to school in a named, sealed envelope.
Thank You
A big thank you to Sheree and James for carrying out the cleaning and caretaking duties while Chrissy was unwell. You both did a wonderful job and has been very much appreciated by the staff, the students and Chrissy.
Congratulations to Kiwitea School on their great ERO report after the recent ERO visit.

Please help Sarah’s group get their recycled paper to town. Please contact Sarah or look in the car shed with the roller door to help us get rid of the paper.
Happy Birthday to the following students who have / are celebrating their birthday, we hope you had / have a great day!
15th July - Josie! 24th July - Genny!
Regards, Mary, Louise, Penny, Linda, Pat, Pam, Mary B, Jenni, Cara and Christine.