Apiti School and District Newsletter 7/11/2016.
2016 Term Dates : Term 4 : 10th October - 20th December.
Welcome to week 5 of term 4, 2016. We really are in full swing for the term. It is great to see the time management focussed on for Lamb and Calf Day has continued with many students planning their time exceptionally well to achieve their learning goals. This is a competency that is invaluable for high school and beyond. Click here http://bit.ly/2eOhQVV to see a snapshot of the learning the students reflected on during Lamb and calf day. This was presented to the BOT.
Our focus for 2016 ... Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others.
Calendar of Events
11th November : Swimming lessons continue.
15th November : GRIP Leadership course (For Year 7-8 Leaders).
18th November : Swimming Lessons.
21st November : Manawatu Digi Awards (good luck to our finalists Brooke and Tyler)!
25th November : Oroua Athletic Sports (PPD 2nd November) - Arrange own transport please.
2nd December : Swimming lessons.
5th December : Manawatu Young Achievers.
6th December : Oroua Year 8 Leavers Dinner - Apiti Tavern. Sarah Goss to speak.
8th December : Softball / Tee Ball tournament in PN - Transport required please.
9th December : Student Reports shared with parents. Final swimming lessons.
Week 10 : Student/Parent/Teacher goal setting conferences (Optional).
12th December : Board of Trustees Meeting at 7pm. All members of the public are welcome to attend.
14th December : Apiti School Bush Walk (PPD 15th Dec) - Transport required please.
19th December : Final school assembly. Farewell for Nicki - everyone welcome!
20th December : Last day of school. The bus will run, but it will be a tidy up day.
Monday: Athletics training at school with Brad / Crete. Practice daily
Wednesday: Softball / Tee ball lessons at school with Dean
Friday: Swimming tuition at Makino (11th, 18th Nov, 9th, 16th Dec).
It is great to see so many students coming prepared for these.
Please note: These dates are updated as required. Please visit our google calendar for the most up to date info.
At Apiti School, record keeping is on-going. But as we gather our end of year data it is fantastic to see the accelerated progress so many of our students have made. Well done Apiti School Students. As a staff we are very proud of you and your learning in 2016.
Mathletics : In the last 2 weeks - Fantastic work Caelan 1202, Jackson 310, Ava P 300, Phinece 260 and Katie 250 . Great work especially Caelan, this is our highest score ever!
Maths : Abbey, Renee, Tayler and Katie.
Reading express : Comprehension : Summer Av quiz score 85% 36, Lauren 85%. Johnny 1 book read.
Reading eggs : Certificates Bentley P Gold Playground 1 Map 5. Aimee Gold Playground 4 Map 8.
Sumdog Maths : So many great students in the last 2 weeks working on their sumdog maths at home and school. Congratulations to Ava P 633, Bentley P 428, Cidnee 405, Renee 392, Bently F 390, Katie 372, Caelan 328 Aimee 281, Johnny 276, Tayler 273, Ava F 263. This week we are in the National Contest.
Sumdog Reading: Tayler 184 Bentley P 149 Abbey 130 and Aimee 100.
100% in Spelling :- Senior Room - Week 4 : Brooke, Fisher, Jackson, Lauren, Phinece, Sarah, Johnny, Caelan, Josie. Junior Room - Week 4: Cidnee, Aimee, Abbey, Tayler, Katie.
Excellent Progress in Reading: Fisher, Sarah,Johnny, Phinece, Caelan, Josie.
Junior Room : Congratulations to Abbey, Renee, Tayler and Katie. Cidnee - Light Blue 2. Aimee - Purple 2. Renee - Green 2. Bentley P - Dark Blue 1. Katie - Green 2.
Awesome Progress in Writing: Brooke, Fisher, Summer, Sarah, Ava. Junior Room : Abbey, Renee, Tayler and Katie.
Excellent time management: Brooke, Fisher, Tyler, Summer, Lauren.
Sport Manawatu PE Module - Softball / Teeball
Bon Apiti
This term’s Healthy Lunch option is Shepherds pie and a small salad available each Thursday. Please order on Wednesday- small serving $1.50, large serving $3.00. Juicies are also available at $1.50. Please send your money along to school in a named, sealed envelope and hand it in to Brooke.
Swimming Lessons
Please note that we will leave school at 11.00am, not 11.30am for the remaining lessons to allow the students a little extra time in the water to develop their water confidence and social skills in a different environment. Thank you to those who are letting Christine know in advance how they can help with transport, it is most appreciated.
As part of our ongoing learning about financial literacy, senior students will take part in a mini trade-me style event this Thursday. We will be looking at needs vs wants and the different selling styles. This week we are looking at the tender process. They will be using their money from their virtual ‘Banqer’ accounts.
For students to take part, they will need to bring something to ‘sell’ on Thursday. The aim is NOT to buy anything for this. We all have small things at home that we no longer use and others would love. Or we are able to make things that others would want to buy. E.g. crafts, baking. I will be planning this further with students on Tuesday. It is the learning that is the focus.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Nicki if you have any questions.
GRIP Leadership Course
Once again our year 7 - 8 students will have the opportunity to take part in the GRIP Leadership Conference in Palmerston North. They will be joined by other young leaders from throughout the Manawatu.
The central focus of the conference is equipping student leaders with practical ideas and skills which will allow them to make a significant contribution to their schools.
GRIP Leadership is a values driven organisation. The core values below represent the heartbeat of all GRIP Leadership staff and volunteers.
- GENEROSITY: Willingness to use what you have been given (time and resources) on behalf of those you seek to influence.
- RESPONSIBILITY: We all have a responsibility to develop what we have and help others to live well.
- INTEGRITY: A commitment to truth and honesty in dealings.
- PEOPLE: Every human being is of great significance, and has a purpose to fulfil.
End of Year Assembly
Over the next 2 weeks we will be planning our final assembly. This is just a heads up as I would expect your children to come home with ideas to discuss with you as they go through the planning stages.
School Bush Walk
Our annual school bush walk is planned for the 14th of December (p.p date: 15th). It would be great if you could keep the date free and join us. Community members are also very welcome!! There will be more details in the next newsletter.
Lamb and Calf Day Cups
Could we have all Lamb and Calf Day cups returned to school as soon as possible please so they can be taken in for engraving and then returned to the cup winners before the school year ends.
Below is a message received from Rowena, our Enviroschools facilitator and judge at Lamb and Calf Day.
Kia ora Nicki,
As always I had a wonderful day out at Apiti School, and I was thoroughly impressed with the Whanau Groups, how they worked together, the enthusiasm and knowledge that they had of their Action Areas and their maturity while taking me around and answering questions that I had.
He tino pai to mahi everyone in making Apiti School the amazing Green-Gold Enviroschool it is. You all do a great job, and thank you for making me feel so welcome. See you next time, - Rowena
She has also given each Whanau group fantastic feedback.
Happy Birthday to the following student, we hope you have a great day! - 16th November - Brooke!
Regards, Mary, Nicki, Linda, Pat, Pam, Mary B, Jenni and Christine.