Welcome to week 1 of term 3, 2016.
Great to see everyone back here safe and well and ready for another term of exciting experiences and learning.
Our focus for 2016 ... Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others. This term our theme is Hauora - Healthy Living.
Calendar of Events1st August : Board of Trustee Meeting at 7.00pm.
9th August : Student led conferences.
10th August : Dog Safety handler at 11.00am.
12th August : School Speech Competition.
15th August : Rotary Speech Celebration (This will be an opportunity for the year 5 - 6 speaker with the highest points at our School Speech Competition).
18 - 19th August: EOTC overnight Ski Experience.
25th August : Oroua Speech Competition (This will be an opportunity for our top 2 year 7 - 8 speakers).
12 - 13th Sept : Postponement date for EOTC overnight Ski Experience.
Term 3 ends : 23rd September.
Term 4 starts : 10th October.
Unfortunately we have had to say farewell to Elliot who has left us for another school. We wish Elliot all the very best in his future schooling.
Coming up:
Speeches - Whanaungatanga focus
As part of our term 3 learning all students will be preparing and presenting a persuasive speech.
The topic for all students ..." To make our world a better place / To look after the world we have, we must ..."
This week students will be brainstorming possible topics, choosing a topic they are passionate about (or want to learn more about) and beginning their planning and mind mapping. It would be great if you could set aside a little time to talk with your children about topics that could make really interesting persuasive speeches.
Reminder that your children have :-
- Spelling words to learn (Juniors tested each Wednesday / Seniors tested each Thursday)
- Reading every night. Most students have reading set from school. Others are expected to continue reading an appropriate book of choice. Note: Reading is vitally important in all areas of learning and is a great activity to celebrate doing with your children. Research shows that children who read and are read to on a regular basis, until high school, achieve better in life e.g. better jobs, more opportunities and achieve at higher levels in life.
- Senior room - our challenge to know all of your timetables continues this term!
- There is often current learning from school that students can/should further develop and parents can support and share with their children at home ... such as our current writing of persuasive speeches.
Student led reporting conferences - 9th August
Each term we provide a valuable opportunity for students to more formally share their learning with parents and set goals for continued progress.
Please click on the link to book your time.
Board of Trustee Meeting - 1st August
The next Board of Trustee meeting will be held Monday 1st August, starting at 7.00pm in the staff room. All members of the community are welcome. Please view the agenda on the blogspot.
EOTC - Whakapapa Overnight Ski Experience
Ski fields opened fully last week and we are hoping that this continues so that we have a good base for our first overnight ski experience! This year we plan to give our students the opportunity to ski at Whakapapa, making it a new experience for all students.
Date: Week 4, 18-19th August
Postponement date: Week 8, 12-13th September
Note: These are the only dates available at our lodge of choice (Manawatu Tramping and Skiing Club Lodge). It is a fantastic facility ... so we hope the weather is kind to us!!
Ski information will be sent home at the end of this week so that you are able to plan together the best package to suit your children. Lessons have been booked for 12 o'clock on our first day. We are imagining that most students will choose a package which includes gear rental, mountain pass and a lesson for the first day and a 1/2 or full mountain pass and gear rental for the following day.
Here is the link to more in-depth planning. This will continue to be updated and is also available on the 'links and information' page on our website.
This EOTC camp will be funded by the school for students for 2016. Staff and students would like to thank the BOT for their support of this experience ... and ASSA for their fundraising that allows these learning experiences to happen.
Bon Apiti
Our Year 8's are the Bon Apiti team, and they have decided to make toasted sandwiches starting this Thursday. $2. We would appreciate any donations of fillings and students who bring these will get a free toasted sandwich. Money made from Bon Apiti is spent by the students on the students.
Celebrating our Successes:
Mathletics - Congratulations to Aimee who has achieved a bronze certificate with 1068 points.
Some great holiday writing today.
On Friday the 22nd I went for a hike. It was awesome and funny. Some of the hike I was hungry and some of it I was tired. It was long. When we got to the hut there were lots of views. Inside the hut it was cold and it had two bunk beds in the hut. - Caelan.
Ki o Rahi Tournament – 30th June
To be welcomed onto, and play at, the Rangitane Marae for our Ki o Rahi tournament was a real privilege! Our team played exceptionally well as a team and really enjoyed the experience... despite the rain! Well done to Monrad Intermediate who played exceptionally well to win the tournament. Thank you to those parents who provided transport to and from this event, we appreciate your support! Below is what was reported in the Manawatu Standard :-
Thick mud just added to the enjoyment for players at the Manawatu Primary and Intermediate schools ki-o-rahi tournament. About 170 children from nine Manawatu and Masterton schools got competitive on the field at Te Hotu Mauawa O Rangitaane O Mauaucehi Marae on Thursday playing the traditional Maori sport. Best Care Whakapai Hauora nutrition and physical activities coordinator Ray Rolfe, who organised the tournament, said the schools had all been introduced to the sport recently. Most picked it up in about an hour, and began to get more sophisticated in their play after about three hours. "I've noticed as we've progressed they are getting a lot more strategic in terms of their moves. They love it because it's something new for them, it's outside the mainstream sports."
Apiti School pupil Jacob MacDonald said ki-o-rahi was "awesome". "It's like a slip and slide." Monrad were the best players because "they're really tall and they use everyone," he said.
Manawatu was one of the top places in the country for ki-o-rahi learning, Rolfe said, because the Whakapai Hauora course had been so well received. An inter-school invitational tournament was also planned for later in the year, for schools who had been introduced to ki-o-rahi in previous years and continued playing it. - Warwick Smith/ Fairfax NZ.
Scooby Doo Production - Thursday 7th of JulyIt was great to hear such overwhelmingly positive feedback about this year's school production; 'Scooby Doo'.
Well done to all students for the role they played ... both in literacy; writing their parts, and in the arts; with development of drama, singing, dance and art. The key competencies of managing self, leading and working as a team, relating to others and contributing and participating were also a significant learning focus throughout the production. Thank you once again to everyone mentioned on the back page of our production booklet. A special thank you to our flutist, who accompanied Henry on the guitar ... thanks Elsa.
We are lucky to have Elsa sharing her talents with students more this term, particularly in the areas of music, art and language learning.

Congratulations to Brooke who was a deserved recipient for the Sir Peter Blake Award!
Thank You
A huge thank you once again to Christine. The school looks fantastic to come back to!
“Word of Mouth” Newsletter - Child and Adolescent Oral Health Service
July 2016.
Preventing tooth decay is easier than repairing it. Teeth stay strong with a low-sugar diet and twice daily brushing with a fluoride tooth paste. Dental therapists can help with preventive treatments and can detect problems before they become painful or difficult to treat. Dental checks are free for children until they turn 18. See the schedule below for a list of facilities and contact details. If you have any queries, please contact us. - Marja Steur 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) (06) 350 8619. marja.steur@midcentraldhb.govt.nz
Fixed and Mobile Dental Clinics
For July 2016, our staff will be working in the clinics below and are available from Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4pm. - Health Centre, Duke St. Feilding, ph. 3236686.
125th School Jubilee Reminder
Feb / March 2017 will be our schools 125th jubilee. We would love someone to take on the responsibility to kick off proceedings e.g organise a committee so officers can be appointed e.g chairperson, secretary, treasurer, registrations etc. Please contact the school if you are happy to take this on board.
Happy Birthday to the following student, we hope you had a great day! 24th July - Genny!