Digital Citizenship at Home.

Digital Citizenship at HOME and SCHOOL  -  30th July at 6.30
On the evening of the 30th of July starting at 6.30pm at school, we will be holding a very interesting informative parent / community meeting about digital citizenship, and being aware of the dangers of social media, with Andrew Cowie.  This evening is for everyone in the community including high school students and those who are interested in all aspects of IT (information technology), e-learning digital citizenship including the effect of social media.

Is your child’s digital footprint in danger of walking all over the family?
Would it help to bring their steps more inline with school and appropriate use?
When it comes to accessing technology, it’s often a challenge to send and maintain a consistent message between home and school. Getting the balance right is not easy.
In order to achieve this, we need to be mindful digital citizens ourselves and be very deliberate and clear about the guidelines we use to support our young people and their technology use.
We will be exploring the following questions:
● How can I support my child to be an effective user of technology at home?
● What tools and resources are available to help my child to manage their technology time?
● What practical steps can I take to ensure we are a family of good digital citizens?

When: Thursday, July 30th 6:30 - 7:30  pm.
Where: Apiti school 11 Bryce St, Apiti.
As we require numbers, please contact Mary or Nicki on 328 4884 if you are interested in attending this evening, we would love to see you here.

This evening will be presented by Andrew Cowie has fifteen years of teaching experience at primary, middle, and secondary level, along with adults and in special education.  He has worked in a variety of learning environments including South Learning Centre (Christchurch, New Zealand), The Greater Christchurch Schools Network (GCSN), the Peace Foundation (Auckland & South Island), and the Northern Education Access Loop (NEAL) and the National Library - Services to Schools.  Currently, Andrew is working with CORE Education. In his role, he is collaborating with school leaders and developing programmes around e-Learning, modern learning practice, and digital citizenship.  Andrew also works with parents and members of the broader community on managing behaviour and technology in the home. 

During the day, Andrew will be with Mary and Nicki discussing policies and best practice.

Digital Citizenship - Policies and Practice

It's much more than just being safe online...

Digital Citizenship is a broad and evolving concept. It reflects a number of different behaviours and competencies, which include appropriate and effective ways we interact with people and/or information through media and technology.  It is built on and guided by a set of values and principles reflected by the greater communities in which we work and play.  

As many schools increasingly use digital technologies as learning tools, there is a real need to also consider the scope of digital citizenship and its implications for the school community.
How is digital citizenship an extension of our school values?
How do we ensure our policies reflect our school values with digital technology?
What are the steps necessary in creating a responsible use agreement?

The day's session will give us an opportunity to explore these questions and develop a good understanding of our needs around technology use and being effective digital citizens.


Welcome to term 3 2015.
Our apologies for the late paper copy of the newsletter this week. It has been available to all online since Monday. However our old School Server has died, having a negative impact on all learning and teaching programmes.. We are currently rectifying this.  
We appreciate those who access the most up date school and community information through the Newsletter Blogspot online. This is available on all computer and mobile devices anywhere at any time.  It is an effective way to share photos and videos with you. As an enviro-school with a focus on sustainability, we are trying to limited printing and paper use each fortnight. Please use the 'Print Friendly' button at the bottom of each post for easy printing at home if you require this. If you still require a paper copy from school please let us know.

We hope you all had a great holiday and are looking forward to a busy term of learning at Apiti School. This term we focus on oral language through our speech competition and our digi award entries. 
It was great to come back to such a neat, clean school both inside and out. Many thanks to our wonderful cleaner/caretaker Christine Lowe. We all really appreciate your efforts. Also thanks to Mark for your help. 
Thank you to all those who came to our shared lunch, and those who provided food for the Clarke family farewell. Along with our sad farewell to the Clarke family, it was great to have a surprise visit from Ron and his dad from Vietnam on our last day of term ! We learnt a lot from them and you all have an open invitation to visit them in Vietnam. Ron has spent time in 2 other intermediate schools in Palmerston North since leaving Apiti. He is hoping to come back to Apiti for his NZ experience in 2016 !
We are delighted to say a very big welcome to Georjia, Ella, Erika and Bradley and their family to our school and district.  Georjia and Ella join us as Year 7 students, Erika a Year 6 and Bradley a Year 4 student.  We know these students will enjoy learning at our school. 
Dates for your Calendar
A reminder that school will finish at 2.30 every Friday during term 3.
The dental unit will be up at our school early this term, but have not been given a date yet. Please return the forms the next day after you get them, so the dental nurses can work on your students. 
22nd July - Peter Blake Leadership presentation at 1.30pm All Welcome
27th July - Year 8 to Kimbolton to meet Feilding High School at 2.00pm.
30th July - Andrew Cowie Connected Learning MOE re-digital citizenship for Teachers during the day
30th July - Digital Citizenship Parent/Community meeting at 6.30pm. Andrew Cowie 
6th Aug   - Open day at FHS for year 8's
6th Aug   - The Outlook for Someday Movie making Workshop
8th - 15th Aug - Yaju Cheng, a teacher from Beijing, China is spending the week with us.
14th Aug - Apiti School Speech Competition 1pm
20th 25th 27th Aug or 1st Sept - Skiing
21st Aug - Oroua Schools Speech Competition.
Please view our google calendar for more details or for updates or date changes.
Celebrations and Updates  ...
Student Quality Learning
Junior Reading - Great progress  Savannah now on blue 1. Abbey on yellow 1. Cidnee on Blue 1 and Caelan has made great progress in the holidays and is now on Orange 1. Great to see so many students doing so well, thanks to reading through the holidays. Remember to use Reading eggs, mathletics and sumdog to support learning.
Homework Excellence Term 2 : Hannah, Brooke, Dylan
This will be a continued focus for term 3.
To check deadlines for other work visit the learning portal 
Remember students take responsibility for their learning at Apiti School. Junior spelling tested on Wednesdays and Senior on Thursdays. All students have reading and basic facts practice every night. Kiwi kids homework is due each Friday for year 4 and older. Please check with Mary and Nicki if you have any queries re-homework.
Footrot Flats Production

Well done to all our talented students who put on a great production in the last week of term 2, all the time and effort students put into learning their lines and becoming their character from the students reflections it was well worth it!!  
Thank you to the Kimbolton and Waituna West School teachers and students who attended our dress rehearsal, it was great having you at our school. 
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, friends and members of the community who came to our concert, we were delighted that so many attended and we are sure you would have enjoyed the show.    
Thank you to all those involved in any way with this production, especially :- 
Pat who helped the students cook the supper, and for helping with the costumes. 
Mrs Susan Shannon for the speech and drama tuition.  
Maryann with tuition and props.
Adam for building Wal's house and supplying the tree and dog's house.
Nikita for the Footrot Flats backdrop.
Jeff for the use of his chainsaw.
Dewe Electrical for supplying the stage lighting. 
Russell for delivering and returning the stage from the Apiti Domain.
Oroua Rugby League Tournament
Thank you to all those parents who helped out with transport to and from this event held in Feilding just before the holidays. Special thanks to Chantell for managing the senior team. The senior team finished in 3rd place and the Junior team finished 2nd - well done!! 
What's coming up ... 
2015 Overall learning theme - I am Connected
Term 3 Focus ...
Apiti Speeches
We are connected - We are SAFE Learners
All students will write and present an informative speech encouraging us to be informed and safe in everyday situations. We will be discussing possible topics over the next week. From here students will develop their own informative speech. Your support discussing this at home is appreciated.
Apiti school Speech Competition (All Apiti School Students) - Friday 14 August
Oroua Speech Competition - 21st August at the Kimbolton Clubrooms. (This is an extension opportunity for year 6-8 students).
Apiti School - We are Connected Leaders
Peter Blake Trust Leadership
Today a member of the Sir Peter Blake Dream Team visited Apiti School. Dream Team leader, SGT Kelly Carter, spoke to our students, and then presented a Young Leader Award to Hannah. All students have a postcard with their goal on to share with their parents.
SGT Kelly Carter is a physical training instructor with the NZ Army, based at Linton. She is an outstanding all round leader and an inspiring speaker, passionate about our rural schools. SGT Carter has over a decade of experience in the Army. 
Apiti School Leadership
We have a number of new students and families at Apiti School. It seems a great time to revisit what we are all about at Apiti School and what leadership, learning and participation looks like. We will be looking at our school values and Apiti School Song. Please encourage your children to share with you. Whanau involvement and feedback is appreciated. We are proud to help students become successful confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners. 
GRIP Leadership
A group of students following this will be selected to attend the GRIP Leadership Conference in term 4.
Financial Literacy
Learning about Financial Literacy will be integrated into learning programmes in the senior room this term through trialling 'Banqer', a New Zealand based Financial Literacy site for students. The aim is that students learn through doing, developing an understanding of financial literacy that will help set them up for success both now and in the future. This is for year 4 and older.
School Uniform Update
Our new school uniform has been ordered. We are waiting for the jacket to arrive and are expecting to receive them around the end of August. Many thanks to Hayley and Sara for organising the grant to help make this happen. Thanks also to ASSA for their support with the uniform upgrade, and everyone for your help with fundraising.
Bon Apiti
Our School Leaders - the Bon Apiti Team - will be once again providing healthy lunches in term 3. The team have discussed options with students today.
Tuesday - Wraps
Thursday - Burgers
Lunches will cost $3.00 and can be ordered on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9am. Please pay for your lunch when ordering. 
We would appreciate donations of food. All profit goes into our student bank account. Students use this money to plan extra experiences and learning activities. Anyone donating mince will receive a free lunch on that day. 
FHS Year 8 Intro and Open Day
27th July - FHS Intro for year 8 students. 2pm at Kimbolton School. 
6th August - FHS Open Day
Could students and parents please organise transport to both events.
The Outlook for Someday 
Year 7 students will take part in a Movie making Workshop in Palmerston North. This is an extension opportunity with a focus for on Sustainability. Many thanks to Maryann for helping out with transport.
BOT Meeting
The next Board of Trustee meeting will be held next Tuesday the 28th of July in the staff room starting at 7.00pm.  All members of the public are welcome to attend. The Agenda will be posted on the blog before the meeting.

Homestay - Teacher from China
From the 8 - 15th August we are lucky enough to have a teacher, Yaju Cheng, from Beijing China, visiting Apiti and spending the week with us. Yaju will join us at school as part of a teacher exchange. I am sure we will all learn a lot from one another and the cultural experience.
Yaju will be staying with Nicki's family and the Gillespie family.  
In her month in NZ she will also spend time at 3 other rural schools; a great learning experience for everyone involved. 
Thank you Lance and Katherine for offering so readily to host her. If anyone else would like to invite her to stay please talk to Nicki.

Dear Nicki
I am excited to visit you and your school and learn a lot from you during my third week in New Zealand. It is very kind of you to host me  I will enjoy living and working with you. We will enjoy exchanging culture and custom . I would like to share China and Chinese
I am a 50-year-old woman . a teacher at a high school which is a big one with 340 teachers and over 3000 students in Dirdaxing, Beijing. Our students learn English as a foreign language. I would like to share our school with you and students.
I would like to bring you something from China that you like. Let me know if you need
I am sorry to tell you I am not good at writing and speaking . I will enjoy learning from you.
I do look forward to meeting you and visiting your place

best wishes

Yaju Cheng
Term 3 Sport
This is our Oroua Sport focus for term 3. Lessons will be held with an instructor in the hall.
Skiing - 20th August
Postponement dates - 25th, 27th Aug or 1 Sept.
The snow is looking great and we have booked dates and lessons early this year. Please pencil them in. It is vital for the enjoyment of all, we ski on a day when the weather is good. So we have to be flexible because of this, and make the decision the day before after looking at weather forecasts.
Community members and supporters of the school are welcome to join us ... you will never get it cheaper!! Please just let Christine know so that you can fill in the appropriate forms. Costs for students are subsidised by the BOT. 
Forms will be sent home with the next newsletter.
Mountain Biking
In the later part of term 3 or early term 4, students will be learning about the joy of mountain biking as a sport. This will culminate with a mountain biking experience. Please let Nicki know if you have any extra bikes sitting in your garage that someone could borrow or you would like help with accessing a bike for this. They do not need to be flash but it would be great if they are about the right size for your child. 
Happy Birthday to the following student who celebrated her birthday during the holidays.  -  15th July - Josie!