What we have been up to ...
Quality Work
Maths - Bronze award for Mathletics - Ben, Huntah, Hannah, Tyler, Travis.
Oroua Swimming Sports
Once again our students committed wholeheartedly at the Oroua swimming sports. The level of competition was high and they certainly did themselves proud.
Results were as follows:-
Flutterboard:- 7 year olds: 1st = Alex, 2nd = Tyler. 8 year olds: 1st = Dylan, 2nd = Ben.
Medley:- 7 year olds: 2nd = Tyler, 3rd = Alex. 8 year olds: 1st = Dylan.
Freestyle: 7 year olds: 1st = Alex. 10 year olds: 3rd = Travis.
Running Race: 7 year olds: 1st = Tyler. 8 year olds: 1st= - Dylan/Ben. 10 year olds: 3rd = Travis.
Dolphin Dive: 7 year olds: 1st = Tyler, 2nd = Alex. 8 year olds: 1st= - Dylan/Ben.
Backstroke: 7 year olds: 2nd = Alex, 3rd = Tyler. 8 year olds: 1st = Dylan.
Breaststroke: 7 year olds: 2nd = Alex, 3rd = Tyler. 8 year olds: 1st = Dylan.
It was great to see so many swimming in the championship events!
Championship Results:-
Senior Boys - Freestyle:- 4th = Tom. 9th = Zahn. 14th = Cole.
4 x 1 Medley: 3rd = Tom. 8th = Zahn. 9th =Cole.
Backstroke: 4th = Tom. 7th = Cole. 8th = Zahn.
Breaststroke: 4th = Tom. 7th = Cole. 8th = Zahn.
Butterfly: 3rd = Tom. 6th = Zahn.
Intermediate Boys - Freestyle: 5th = Huntah. 4 x 1 Medley: 3rd = Huntah.
Breaststroke: 4th = Huntah.
Backstroke: 5th = Huntah. Butterfly = 3rd = Huntah.
Intermediate Girls - Freestyle: 4th = Hannah. 6th = Charlotte.
4 x 1 Medley: 3rd = Hannah. 4th = Charlotte. 7th = Brooke.
Breastroke: 3rd = Charlotte. 4th = Hannah. 5th = Brooke.
Backstroke: 4th = Hannah. 6th = Brooke. 7th = Charlotte.
Butterfly: 3rd = Charlotte. 4th = Hannah. 10th = Brooke.
Junior Boys - Freestyle: 2nd = Dylan.
Our relay teams did especially well :-
2nd:- 7/8 year old relay = Dylan, Derek, Tyler and Alex.
2nd:- 9/10 year old relay = Huntah, Hannah, Charlotte and Brooke.
and our Flying Squad was just pipped for 3rd - Well done Waituna West!!
I'm sure we would have won a cheering competition! Thank you to all parents for your support!!
Swim for Life Programme
Dental Visit
Our Dental Nurse completed her checks in record time this year. Thank you for your help with this. The Dental Nurse commented on the great behaviour of the students and what a great bunch of kids they are. She asked me to remind everyone to read the labels on foods and avoid high sugar foods.
Army Visit
We were lucky enough to have the Army Medics set up on the field last week. They set up a variety of teaching stations for the students to learn from. It really was a fantastic opportunity and we would like to thank them for their efforts!
The Army came to school . We ate some of their food.
We put some make-up on us. It was camouflage make-up.
They showed us bombs. - Johnny
28.2 The Army came to school and we got to wear their face paint.
They use it so they can hide. - Lauren.
Far out! That’s cool!
Red and purplish blue smoke grenades whizz over onto the field leaving a few coloured marks.
“Can we run through it?” Alex says casually.
“Yeah you might as well,” says a medic named Hamish.
All the rest of my group run through but it had basically fizzled out by then so I didn't really bother. We finished that station and went on to the ration station. A ration pack is food that is dehydrated so that it lasts for a long time and is energy for the soldiers. In the field all the food was packaged and brown which is a big plus as it does not reflect the sun.
I think this is a clever design idea. Imagine this ... a sniper with a rifle sees a reflection in the sky. He looks down and there you are. Bang! You are gone. Dead. Lying on the hard sandy ground. Boiling and in a pool of your own blood that is rapidly getting soaked into the sand.
One of the medics, a corporal, has been to Afghanistan. I reckon that’s good because she can help other people. I can't imagine what it would be like over there. Medics are in a no combat zone and only some carry a sidearm.
I learnt that most medics train as nurses and work in hospitals before they go into the army. Only people who need special training, like a trauma doctor, train in the army. I thought that they trained in their country’s army to be a nurse.
I learnt a lot about the army from their visit and it made me imagine how hard it would be to be living in Afghanistan. - By Zahn
I Tried a Tri
Many of our students have been involved in the 'I tried a tri' series. This is a fantastic series, run very well and providing an excellent challenge for all involved. Well done!! The fifth and final race is tonight. Good luck to you all!!!
I tri the tri's
The butterflies felt like they had to come out of my stomach. Luckily the host's voice saved me from the fluttery mess. There were lots of groans as he called out the distances. After that he had to say the ready steady go but the microphone always cuts off after the go.
I started running off steadily so I could save my breath, but some how all of my breath flew out of my mouth on the first corner. I ran round the corner for my second lap. My legs are like jelly. They're nice and cold at the start and when they heat up, they get runny but they cool down on my bike.
As I hopped on my bike I saw a kid who had 'Griffin' on his back. I thought that he was either a fan of Griffindor or he was a ladies man. The bike is so long that on the first corner I already think I am on my last lap.
I pull in and flick my legs off my bike and run into the pools and half slip half dive in. I paddle up and over. Take two and a girl, I remember I passed in the run, zoomed past me as if a shark was chasing.
Finally I got out soaking wet but my throat was as dry as the desert. - By Tom
As I hopped on my bike I saw a kid who had 'Griffin' on his back. I thought that he was either a fan of Griffindor or he was a ladies man. The bike is so long that on the first corner I already think I am on my last lap.
I pull in and flick my legs off my bike and run into the pools and half slip half dive in. I paddle up and over. Take two and a girl, I remember I passed in the run, zoomed past me as if a shark was chasing.
Finally I got out soaking wet but my throat was as dry as the desert. - By Tom
Well done to Brooke for the great email she wrote reminding the tri publicity group of our excellent commitment and the great team from Apiti who make the effort to be involved. What a fantastic authentic reason for writing!! Thanks for sharing it as your local news for Current events!!!
Hi - my name is Brooke and I am reading the paper for my morning report tomorrow. I read the article about Try A Tri's which I have been doing now for three years - and they are awesome!!! BUT..it is NOT just Palmerston North children participating. I am from Apiti and there are 10 kids from my school (almost half our school) that go down to this each week and we love it. I know there are also lots of other kids like me who are not from Palmerston North that do it too...please can you not forget about us in the surrounding areas. We even have our Oroua Cluster Triathlon at Rangiwahia this Friday and Apiti hopes to do really well...come and cheer us on if you want. - Brooke.
Oroua Triathlon
It was absolutely fantastic to see all students competing last Friday. Their training and commitment was certainly evident. All students were totally involved in the individual and team events, and many were managers as well. I am sure all students felt they gave their all. I would especially like to commend on the way Apiti students cheered and encouraged, helped others and joined teams to make sure everyone was involved. Thank you so much to parents and grandparents who supported on the day. It really was a team effort! We were very proud of all our students!!
Results: Individual: Year 4 Boys: 2nd = Tyler. 4th = Alex. 5th = Dylan. 13th = Derek.
Year 5 girls: 5th = Brooke. Year 5 boys: 2nd = Ben.
Year 6 girls: 2nd = Charlotte. 3rd = Hannah. Year 6 boys: 1st = Huntah. 4th = Travis.
Year 7 boys: 2nd = Tom. 3rd = Zahn. 6th = Cole.
Teams: Year 4 and 5: 1st = Brooke, Ben and Dylan. 9th = David and Alex. 10th = Tyler and Derek.
Year 6 and 7: 1st = Tom, Zahn and Huntah. 3rd = Hannah and Charlotte. 10th = Cole and Travis.
As I woke up, my legs were shaking like a rocket out of space. We put our bikes on to the car and travelled to Rangiwahia. My year was the first to start, I said in my head that I would beat Remy. My legs were pumping when I got on my bike and then into the pool - it was amazing how fast I was going. Alex was pumping his legs as fast as he could go, it was amazing how fast he was going, but I beat him as I was zooming through to the finish line and in 2nd place, it was amazing, and then it was the team race. Derek was in my team. I ran and then Derek was as fast as a bullet train on his bike. Then it was all up to me to swim, we came 9th, but that was good for only two people. At least we finished and that is the good thing. - Tyler.
"Go." I did not go too fast at the start. At the last corner my ears heard a click.
"Oh no!" I said. I went as fast as possible. 5th to 2nd. Onto my bike I got.
"I'm gonna do it," I said.
I zoomed from 8th to 3rd since I had a very slow transition.
"I'm going to get Jacob." I thought to myself.
"I got him! I got him!!" I said.
Off my bike. Into the pool. Now my engine started.
"Yeah," I said as I kicked into gear.
On my last lap I nearly ran out of fuel.
"Out," Alex shouted. I went as fast as a bullet to the finish line. What a relief I thought with sweat dripping down my face. By Ben
Well done to Tom, Zahn and Huntah who have been asked to train with the Turbos as part of the Manawatu Development Squad.
Looking forward ...
Kapiti EOTC
Planning for this has been finalized with students and parents today. If you would like to keep up to date with student planning just visit the EOTC Wikipage.
Tomorrow is the camp and we are staying there for two nights and I am excited! - Sarah.
Community BBQ
Thank you to everyone who came to our community BBQ held recently at school. It was a lovely evening. Thanks to Pat for all her work!
Apiti School Trail Ride
This event will happen on Sunday the 21st of April. Please put this on your calendar. Please look on our website for all the information.
Virtual Learning Network
These lessons begin next week for senior students who have opted into virtual learning programmes. We have students learning french, spanish and german. By enrolling they are committing to a weekly 1/2 hour online lesson, a timetabled slot in their literacy rotation (self initiated) for practice and practice as part of homework. Student accounts are currently being set up.There is a link to the Virtual learning site on our inquiry page
Sam Strahan Rippa Rugby Tournament
This event provides an opportunity for our students to compete against other schools in the Manawatu area. Trials for our two Northern Oroua teams (Year 4-6 and Year 7-8) will be held on the 25th of March. Practices will follow for those selected.
Oroua Golf
As part of our Kiwi sport funding, all students will have golf lessons in the last few weeks of term. The golf instructor will teach at all Oroua Schools. This will culminate in an Oroua Golf Tournament on the 16th of April.
Music programme
Jo is teaching music this term to the whole school. She takes movement to music, finger plays and songs in the junior room at 9am followed by piano lessons with the seniors. Students who have opted into piano will have lessons each Monday with Jo. Could they please ensure they practice regularly and are prepared for lessons. All senior students will have the opportunity to learn to read and write music. We are also working on extending our repertoire of songs and work towards writing our own school song. This year, our mid year concert will be based on 'New Zealand's Got Talent.' We have brainstormed the many ideas that the students can choose from. By next week students will need to have some idea what their talent will be and we will further develop this at school. Students are able to perform their talent individually or in a group. The winners at our concert will represent our school at an event for all the Oroua Schools, participating in "Oroua's Got Talent". Jo will be available to support the students who wish to develop their piano, recorder, glockenspiel or similar instruments, or help with dance, musical backing etc.
Sabbatical update - Professional Development Plan 2013
Mary and Nicki are very proud to have been awarded a sabbatical by a team from the MOE, NZSTA and NZEI. This is prestigious recognition of the work we all do at Apiti School for the students, and as a valued part of the wider learning community. Click here if you would like more detail about their sabbatical inquiry.
At the recent Board of Trustee meeting, the Board appointed Anwyl as teacher while Mary and Nicki are on their sabbatical, with Mary B continuing to be the principal release teacher and Jenni W. being the relieving teacher.
Board of Trustees Meeting
At the recent Board meeting, the Board asked if parents could possibly help out by taking our recycling into town on occasions. Thank you to Richard for volunteering to take the present lot of recycling that is in the shed to town. If you can assist us with this at any time in the future it would be very much appreciated.
Board of Trustee Elections
These elections are to be held 30th May 2013. Now is a good time to think about running for a position on the Board, or for who you would like to have representing you on the board.
The time line is as follows: Supplementary roll closes: Noon 14th April. Both rolls merged.
Call for nominations: 15th April 2013. Main roll closes: Noon 30th April.
Nominations close: Noon 16th May 2013. Voting papers issued by: 21st May.
Voting closes : Noon 30th May. Votes counted and results declared 5th June 2013. Board take office: 6th June 2013.
Swimming Pool
A huge thank you to June and her helper Murray for all the work they have done over the past two months ensuring the pool is probably maintained for swimming. It has looked absolutely fabulous and our students have used the pool to its fullest.
The swimming pool will close to all public on Friday, the 28th of March.
Thank You
A big thank you to Murray for mending the Apiti Show trophy for us recently - we really appreciate you fixing it for us at such short notice.
Pentathlon - Manawatu Primary Schools Interschool Pentathlon
Thursday 18th April, 2013
10am-2pm. Where:
Massey University Athletics Track
Fee: $2.50 per student, payable on the day or schools can be invoiced
7-13 year olds.
Events 60m / 400m (300m for Year 3 & 4’s) / Long Jump / Shot Put / Discus
Events 60m / 400m (300m for Year 3 & 4’s) / Long Jump / Shot Put / Discus
will compete across 5 events and earn points for their performance.
and Female athletes will compete together but the Top 3 Male and Female
Competitors in each grade will receive certificates/awards
Entries are limited
so register asap. If any students would like to be involved in this event, please let Nicki know. They will need to be committed to practice in preparation.
Our 'Headworks Silhouettes' look fantastic. What has been even better is working out what we know about a person from the graphics they have chosen to depict them. They are presented in the foyer for you to look at too.
Just a reminder that there is a link on the left hand column of the newsletter if you would like to check your child's homework commitments. You can also access it through the learning portal in the wiki
Junior Room
James came up to our house. We caught a crawlie. He put it in a bucket. When the water comes back we will put it back in the creek. - By Johnny.
In the weekend me, Mum and Dylan went to the Glow Worm caves. There was a creek and on our way to the glow worm cave, I saw a possum run up a wall. We put three sausages in the creek. When we came back to see the sausages they were gone, it was an eel that ate the sausages! There were lots of Glow Worms. On our way back, Dylan found a Fresh Water Crayfish and I found a Fresh Water Crayfish too.
– By James.
I went to a circus and Mummy and Daddy took us. There was five little girls in it and they did standing on chairs and flips. The Clowns slapped each other with frying pans, and spinning plates on sticks. - By Chloe.
I went to a circus and Mummy and Daddy took us. There was five little girls in it and they did standing on chairs and flips. The Clowns slapped each other with frying pans, and spinning plates on sticks. - By Chloe.